Gutenberg ToolKit

$89.99 – $399.99

Simplify your workflow, enhance your designs, and customize your creativity like never before with LDNinjas’ Gutenberg Toolkit… Read more

Plugin information

Expected Launch: 15th May 2024
Plugin version: 1.0


Tested upto: 6.5.2
PHP version: 7.0 or above

Gutenberg ToolKit

$89.99 – $399.99

Simplify your workflow, enhance your designs, and customize your creativity like never before with LDNinjas’ Gutenberg Toolkit… Read more


Plugin information

Expected Launch: 15th May 2024
Plugin version: 1.0


Tested upto: 6.5.2
PHP version: 7.0 or above

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Simplify your workflow, enhance your designs, and customize your creativity like never before with LDNinjas’ Gutenberg Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to enhance your WordPress experience by expanding upon the default Gutenberg editor. You may easily make visually striking layouts that captivate visitors by utilizing a variety of blocks, including the divider, spacer, counter, and login blocks.

The toolkit provides a wider range of blocks with more customization options, allowing users to create diverse and engaging content layouts. To further improve the overall appearance of blocks, it also has styling features like borders, box shadows, gradients, custom spacing, and typography options. Our toolbox enables you to execute your idea precisely and effortlessly, regardless of your level of experience.


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Option to adjust the screen sizes for flawless user experience like Windows, tablet, and mobile.
 Option to customize your content with font styles, size, and color.
Option to add a wide range of blocks, including divider, spacer, counter, and login blocks, to create diverse and engaging layouts.
Option to customize styles, spacing, and typography settings to enhance the visual appeal of content blocks.
Option to personalize the user experience for different users by hiding the block for selected user roles.
Option to create a visually appealing layout by adding space in different directions.
Option to add dimension to your design with inset or offset box shadow effect.
Option to elevate your design with customizable border styles, sizes, applying radius and colors.
Option to make your content remain accessible only for logged-in users by enabling the hide for logged-out users button.
Option to customize your content for maximum impact by hiding a selective block on desktop, tablet, or mobile.
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Helps you with

To build visually stunning and unique website designs by utilizing its comprehensive customization options and advanced features.
To enhance user engagement and interaction by optimizing website performance.
To design website wireframes with greater efficiency using customizable styling options.
To make sure your website is responsive across all devices by defining custom screen sizes for big screen, desktop, tablet, and mobile.
To boost traffic and online visibility by using Gutenberg’s capability to improve website speed.


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Frequently asked questions

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